- 01:53 @thevixy .. took the term from one of your old twit-photos @ 16 ... #
- 11:59 U.S. government has succeeded in getting the economy growing again much quicker than most people expected bit.ly/1HIUcQ #
- 12:02 In 2006, life expectancy at birth for South African men was estimated to be 51 years. #
- 12:36 "An effective collaboration marketplace would define the physics for value discovery" <- lost in metaphor and tautological semantics :\ #
- 15:56 #econ the dollar needs to be devalued to reflect the re-balancing effects of emerging ec onomies, esp China. Not the end of the world. #
- 21:07 @joguldi u might have a lawsuit there :) #
- 22:06 .@NurtureGirl -- i already miss those @Wagn based poetry slams :( Was that a one-shot deal? :\ #
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
- 02:05 #film (this guy gets it) "I like how you destroy stuff -- good technique: there is a spark to your work -- that can't be taught" :D #
- 02:06 #film "I hope you don't taste as selfish as you look" :\ #
- 02:19 the quick -- become innocent :\ #
- 02:26 #film perhaps -- for 2009 -- it will be Watchmen & Where the Wild Things Are :) The last one i didn't even see yet --but take on faith :) ;P #
- 02:44 "...so who wants to be the ''Bad Guy'? " #
- 02:48 @thevixy say hocchie :) #
- 12:37 @thevixy nothing :) #
- 13:12 #image #bob #1960ies bit.ly/2JYUHk #
- 13:17 longer hair -- nicer :) #
- 13:45 going by Bob, probably for last time, last hours, bit.ly/nttxa :\ #
- 13:58 #CommuniCamp reasonably priced, down to earth :) #
- 14:07 ...waiting for Rochelle... #
- 19:22 rip bob c. :\ #
- 19:45 .@cdixon exactly @umairh gives useless, self-righteous sermons that only only a airhead would find profound. Amazed he's on Harvard Press. #
- 19:46 RT @sippey @cdixon: This is when I stop reading @umairh "In the 21st century, everyone's in the same business: the awesomeness business." :) #
- 19:52 it's all about families in the end -- which means it's all about investing in babies :) #
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
- 02:53 @thevixy ...just checking in :) #
- 02:59 The genius brothers behind Google Wave (lone wolves -- again :) bit.ly/3R1cqi -- wild-child from womb ;P #
- 13:59 .@umairh 'Without the risk and the pressure, they wouldn't have been able to do it, the brothers said.' bit.ly/1ZSLqF #creative #econ #
- 21:26 made two major economic predictions -- 1) oil would return to 50 or less when it was neat all time high -- 2) stock buy signal in march :D #
- 21:33 the two predictions seemed obv ious at the time -- lucky on timing -- no way to predict these things with certainty. #
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
- 00:07 We are the product of nature, it's vain to suggest otherwise. The harmony of nature only seems so from several miles up, not at Jaw level :) #
- 00:13 @lukefrombuzzle very interesting Luke :) #
- 00:18 RT @Deepak_Chopra: Your wallets and bank accounts are just the places that I dream about: temporarily yours for the time being (Hopefully :) #
- 00:23 RT @Deepak_Chopra We are such stuff as dreams are made of. In My Dreams I am the winning lotto ticket, I am the state of Texas, I am the IRS #
- 00:27 Honestly @Karoli if U could snap your finger & the world were transformed i nto people as "Smart" as Us: it would grind 2a screeching halt :D #
- 00:35 @Karoli :D I'd be willing to bet that (by historic standards) both you and I, have spent an obscene amount of our lives - just thinking! :D #
- 00:52 Visiting another culture - and pretending it was something more significant than that measured by it's duration -- is a form of prostitution #
- 01:03 United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the #Gaza Conflict bit.ly/m8DHs #
- 01:05 @lukefrombuzzle yes: interesting == good :) #
- 01:06 @Karoli ;) #
- 01:29 should write article abt how finite, 3lb brain (Human perception) has,at best, experiential 'Context' similar2 exponential moving average #
- 01:30 @mastermaq -- wow having the ability to tweet while sleeping -- I'm jealous! :) #
- 12:29 wow Cat Schwartz bit.ly/WTuvt hit 30+ then disappeared -- leaving no stone unturned, she's back up bit.ly/2c3oum Nurture21+ :D #
- 12:32 "A person hears only what their selective ignorance hasn't convenient ly censored" ~ HarryLyme ;P #
- 12:34 learning a bit about hospice assisted home care :\ #
- 12:36 @Karoli hmm? time mightBe better spent on sending out more resu's than following up -- hearThatFew employers now even send thankUou notes :( #
- 12:46 well produced degenerate elitist pinko-communist bullshit bit.ly/2ORHcx :D less glamorous view bit.ly/FKMfy :) #
- 13:07 @Karoli oh -- follow up in a week w/ a thxU+ note? I'm no expert but I bet the timing, so long as it's reasonable, isn't critical :) #
- 13:39 Nature's metaphor found 4 parasitic Ivory Tower connection to Awesome Capitalism bit.ly/1rR4w3 :D #
- 13:41 RT Nature's metaphor found 4 parasitic Ivory Tower connection to Awesome Capitalism bit.ly/1rR4w3 :D (via @umairh thx :) #
- 21:30 mistook organism for orgasm (or was it the other way around?) :D #
- 21:43 @peculiarnight lets hope you are at least documenting the oven's construction (pics&video :) #
- 22:00 @FemaleProdigy why does Stickam list, as first bit of info -- your sexual orientation? :D #
- 22:01 RT @Karoli RT @jodotcom: RT @edwardvirtually: Joe Lieberman: you are a disgrace to the state of Connecticut. // Well said! #
Monday, October 26, 2009
- 01:52 Paranormal.Activity -- way hyped-up for a feature length "movie" -- cut it in half -- great U-tube film...Profound -- "Bang4Buck" :) #
- 01:55 @shannatrenholm ..no thank you -- really beautiful posture -- solid hips&base -- everything seemingly aligned (stem searching 4 key-hole :) #
- 02:10 @shannatrenholm ...everything in alignment..all that 200 hrs of stretching & contraction ..suggests moist, sympathetic,cylindrical,pulse ;) #
- 02:56 @NurtureGirl hmm? :\ #
- 03:01 video FILE0009 bit.ly/57bRC :) #
- 13:16 @FemaleProdigy I was expecting more, but It's powerful -- bang-for-buck -- because it leverages imagination over special effects :) #
- 13:26 @FemaleProdigy You certainly could do something like that :D Yea, the first 45 minutes dragged on a bit but the ending was solid :) #
- 14:12 Womb is like Kryptonite :\ #
- 15:22 ...time for last good-byes with old friend :( #
- 15:35 RT @nk The NY Times misses that Twit ter empowers its users to innovate by being /unstructured/. One big text box. jr.ly/9nhi #
- 16:39 @FemaleProdigy actually i might have too (didn't see it in the theater either -- heard it might be different -- curious how different :) #
- 16:53 #econ Economy cracked spectacularly b/c it's financials were so highly optimized -- even Harvard Endowment Wunderkinds Blundered #
- 17:02 #econ Harvard Endowment Wunderkinds Blundered bit.ly/36mjco why didn't @umairh call out these 'shysters' 4stupidity/shortsightedness? #
- 17:15 #econ #Harvard typical academi c risk-adverse (ie @umairh) dip-shits -- pissed pants too soon -- sold at bottom bit.ly/4jkmKh :D #
- 17:16 #econ i twitted gut-level "Buy" signal in early March :D #
- 23:49 "We" ARE "Nature" (how can it be otherwise?) -- we are just too vain to admit it :) #
- 23:53 @Karoli there're lots of "Smart" people out there who are really self-absorbed & fucked-up. 20th century Germany perhaps "smartest" in World #
Sunday, October 25, 2009
- 02:03 tired from programming w/ templates in C++ (tired, not of templates, just tired because it's late :) goodnight :) #
- 10:27 RT @MissShuganah @Nong_ling I had courage because I was loved. I had courage because I already had compassion. I never wanted retribution. #
- 22:19 RT @Deepak_Chopra Suffering is a result of clinging wallet. I have paypal account, but still prefer cashier's checks and wire transfers :\ #
- 22:24 @WindDoctor i see. What type of mescalin is in season in your part of the woods? Is Donny still around? if so -- Tell him I said hi :) #
- 22:26 @peculiarnight what happened with the 3-times a day thing? :\ #
- 22:34 @shannatrenholm nice pose twitpic.com/k6cvn :) #
Saturday, October 24, 2009
- 01:48 .@MrTeller (from Penn&Teller) on Global Warming twitter.com/MrTeller/status/4856570544 :) #
- 04:09 @MissShuganah #soupysales is dead? :( #
- 12:52 @WindDoctor :\ #
- 12:59 @MissShuganah he's 1of those celebrities who never quite made it in2 the stratosphere of cultural icons. EitherU remember him or not at all #
- 21:26 @MissShuganah i agre e. #
- 21:29 @WindDoctor interesting. What does that mean? #
- 23:50 hmmm -- that's nice :) #
Friday, October 23, 2009
- 00:57 "...Honest;y? I was looking for someone who cared about the kid. I mean, like I said: U were the one who made him take the years -- right?" #
- 01:10 @FemaleProdigy -- really excellent photo for your latest avatar -- best I recall yet :) #
- 20:35 @FemaleProdigy yea great composition and expressions all around on that family portrait :) #
- 20:42 boys are different than girls, by nature: difficult to remain seated, much less pay attention -- history full of influential "drop-outs" :D #
- 22:19 @FemaleProdigy ... everything perfectly placed -- even the hand :) #
- 22:25 .@FemaleProdigy U should see/deconstruct movie 'Paranormal Activity' bit.ly/Z9R5G 15k 2Make. Big wordOfMouth Buzz. Similar2UrStyle :) #
Thursday, October 22, 2009
- 01:57 hmmm? Despite everything: I wish @slum_goddess well :) (I never really understood (perhaps my grammar?? :) where we split paths ? :( #
- 14:33 @koukopoulos :D #
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
- 00:20 #madmen "...the faintest Ink is better than the best memory" :) #
- 01:18 "...I'm not sure 'home' is the right word -- people like us -- don't belong anywhere." #dexter #
- 01:23 "But a home have I found nowhere: unsettled am I in all cities, and decamping at all gates." #
- 01:26 D: "It's OK -- You can be 'Dumb'. F:"thanks" :) #
- 01:28 "....that's just this -- this is exactly how I 'Relax' " :) #
- 01:34 "....that's just IT -- this is exactly how I 'Relax' -- When I smell the scent of a bad-guy -- my blood pressure goes down" :) #
- 01:59 .@NurtureGirl yet - paradoxically - the landscape was forged - by original Risk -- not by the "Ivory towered dilettante - but By Dropouts ;) #
- 10:11 hate this herky jerky twitter javascript -- wasted key strokes as cursor jumps focus :( #
- 11:58 .@koukopoulos got specific w/ @umairh on US auto article & also on how illiquid markets do not necessarily equate with illegal activity #
- 12:02 .@koukopoulos @umairh replied that I lacked the necessary background in ec on & logic to make it worth his while to reply :) Shallow dude :) #
- 12:17 .@umairh Econ major in college, licensed series 7&3 broker - worked at Citadel. What are your credentials? (cowards hide behind credentials) #
- 12:23 .@umairh when you confuse illiquid markets w/ illegal activity, you betray your market ignorance. If u took econ101 -- i didn't stick :) #
- 15:43 "The Science of the Inadequate Modern Male." bit.ly/sYXuT :D #
- 23:09 back from visit w/ friend on the mend :) #
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
- 01:16 #film tweeting to the end of Kung Fu Hustle -- first time i saw it...(just ended) ... resisted seeing it (b/c title) I Liked it, esp ending. #
- 01:36 in a weakened moment (from characteristic strengths) ...gonna try something different: don't swat flies with a sledge-hammer (wastedEffort) #
- 01:39 ...step out of comfort zone even further -- try something different ;D #
- 09:57 RT @EmilyJillette "Happiness isn't always the best way to be happy." Judith in Where The Wild Things Are. #
- 10:12 @peculiarnight hmmm? #
- 16:56 "Social Good" Conferences & Workshops needn't be prohibitively expensive (even discounts4Catholic schools) bit.ly/udwBr :) #socap09 #
- 17:14 UCLA Study: The Internet Is Altering Our Brains bit.ly/2OB981 :) #
- 20:55 RT @pareidoliac with deleuze I see no need for Marx but I get that Marxism is the opiate of philosophers :) #
- 21:01 @pareidoliac if by that you mean Das Kapital overlooked implications of asymmetry between creative over commodity labor -- you are right :) #
- 21:33 .@koukopoulos careful with @umairh -- only tolerates sycophants and follower types -- "chip on shoulder" comment pass/aggr Well Poisoning :D #
Monday, October 19, 2009
- 00:49 watching fascinating 'observational' documentary called "Public Housing" (1997) by Frederick Wiseman -- great stuff :\ #
- 00:55 @MissShuganah ...gotta a say: they deserved to lose :\ #
- 01:35 @V_Saldivar I agree with u about him pulling through -- but we Springfield/Bobby took him back form the club -- and retaught him family :). #
- 01:38 @acacoustic03 -- lights on (but based on tweets :) -- Anyone 'Home'' ? :) #
- 01:42 Who Doesn't Like Them? :) #
- 01:51 @pennjillette interesting insight into creative process -- thanks :) #
- 02:16 never ask a loser for advice -- esp as eggs near expiration date :) #
- 12:35 great -- trader/friend needs some custom indicators 4 tradestation & serria charts -- for currency (the real stuff not the #openmoney ) #
- 12:41 another oil change day :) relatively speaking -- nice day for it :) #
- 12:42 I feel so calm :) #
- 19:23 RT@umairh yes (everything good imaginable) implicit assumption in "mea ningful stuff that matters the most"-->thick value.Edge Semantics :D #
- 19:44 @Karoli that is insane :\ #
- 21:14 @Karoli absolutely -- $500-1000 sounds about right. Why there isn't 90% solidarity on universal health care is proof of how stupid most are #
Sunday, October 18, 2009
- 12:53 @paulbeard I've got some good ones up there :) twits over time also work, The medium's young. Searches roll-up threads into larger chunks :) #
- 13:19 RT GolfBallDriver Avoid having your ego so close to your position that when your position falls, your ego goes with it. -Colin #quote :) #
- 13:42 RT @fer_ananda: The chalice came to me as the container for the vow of wealth. retwt.me/tWi0 (@jfnoubel as 2nd(1st?)coming of Christ) #
- 13:59 Verizon Drops Loren Feldman Like He's Hot (the B-grade Dice Clay act starles, but doesn't scale) bit.ly/2eNefj :\ #
- 14:13 @fbpda Ur site works on firefox/linux :) #
- 15:06 #nfl Farv is a MONSTER -- see replays this evening :D #
- 15:20 RT Deepak_Chopra For the Risk-Adverse 'Down Low' on the Upward Spiral : @umairh is there Tokyo-Rose. (fighting back tears :D) #
- 15:23 #nfl #farv FARV is a MONSTER (must admit even thoughIn #Bears div) -- "Fortune favors the Bold" Learn from Success not bed wetters :D #
- 15:24 Heading back to Chicago soon :) #
- 21:08 @makuahine you' re welcome :) #
Saturday, October 17, 2009
- 00:27 @Nickdrumr2 :D #
- 00:28 @FemaleProdigy well you seem to be on a roll when it comes to winning :) #
- 00:33 Anyone thinking World worse off now -- than a generation ago ('89) or the 1 before that ('69) ... is either stupid, ignorant or a candy ass #
- 01:12 @makuahine (Hi :) because if you look at the world in meaningful chunks of time (like generations ie 20yrs) -- World has never been better #
- 01:17 @makuahine You got a lot of losers insinuatin g crisis (@umairh predicting USA "1st failed state) -- 2strum up "consulting" fees - worthless #
- 01:32 .@makuahine econ101:Never ask a loser for advice. Fortune favors the bold. See Alex Tabarrok's on how ideas trump crises bit.ly/VRqa1 #
- 01:41 Alex Tabarrok's metaphors essentially identical to my "Babies are better than Transistors" (in solving tomorrow's problems) LifeIsOptomistic #
- 01:48 where bed-wetter sermons from @umairh wring hands over "record transfers of wealth" Lyme & Tabarrok say "Of course" World Capital Levels :D #
- 01:53 Capitalist Globalization, in broad strokes, has resulted in historic redistribution of wealth -- from rich 2 poor nations - Duh! :D #
- 01:56 Similar phenomenon happened to non-communist Pacific Rim, most notably japan -- wage imbalance equalized - japan now builds cars in US :) #
- 01:59 if you don't have the guts to compete in this world of ideas - find a different hobby. Edge of sword no place for cowards or candy asses :) #
- 02:07 @paulbeard not true, I'm in general agreement w/ @umairh on current direction of walmart. Don't like his shallow platitudes & hokey branding #
- 02:10 @paulbeard wadr get substantive paul -- specific examples -- i'll elaborate. @umairh prob nice fellow, but poster child for shallow hype ... #
- 02:15 @paulbeard + @umairh attacking/judging all the time "Obama FAIL" entire groups of people he'll essentially call crooks & incompetents :) #
- 02:23 @paulbeard respect his right to his opinion --I'm simply adding mine to balance the fluff of self righteous platitudes and jingoisms :) #
- 21:19 @paulbeard wadr speak for yourself Paul -- to each their own style :) #
- 23: 48 nice try (eliminate scarcity &u undermine central premise of Economic theory) unfortunately scarcity not eliminated through semantics ;P #
Friday, October 16, 2009
- 00:48 #film watching latest Star Trek movie :) #
- 00:49 #film "that depends on how you measure success -- you're here aren't you?" :D #
- 00:55 @paulbeard :D #
- 02:11 Finland is the world's first country to create laws guaranteeing broadband access. bit.ly/NaeGa :) #
- 11:17 .@pennjillette (of Penn&Teller) is using twitter and more importantly, making micro-loans w/ Kiva.org bit.ly/47ntjg #
- 12:16 #FF Guilty Pleasures: @adamlazlo @PC_ROB @hybridization @coughlan666 @Nickdrumr2 @thesexyatheist @Go_RV_ing @AlanBaxter @BarmaidsBrain :) #
- 12:26 @Nickdrumr2 why are Atheist so often argumentative? :\ #
- 12:35 @_ndub may i ask: why are redheads so restless? Is it because they tend to be atheists? Or is it simply because of the freckles? :\ #
- 12:51 @hybridization "spank a redhead w/ a fish, and she'll still be angry, but teach a redhead howto fish -- & she'll flower into a feminist"? :D #
- 13:13 RT @NurtureGirl a god among men, playing a fool, slicing with satire. &Still the cutest little 12-toed redhead on the block: @PhilCubeta #ff #
- 21:17 Raising money for cancer research: #eBay #beatcancer #bwe09 #
- 21:28 @Nickdrumr2 read Ur Bio :) also bit.ly/3rh6Hs :) #
- 21:28 mmm :\ #
- 21:33 @FemaleProdigy bit.ly/2mq9LL :) #
- 21:51 "Action precedes intention" #
Thursday, October 15, 2009
- 00:11 Liked the ending of Zombieland -- why not :) #
- 00:18 With equal resumes, mothers r hired 79% less than non-mothers ow.ly/upCu :( #
- 01:15 2Overcome Your Enemy - try Empathy 2Discover their blind-spot Vanities -- not a trivial task -- Especially if your Enemy -- is You ;) #
- 02:34 no false modesty here -- the gods gave me a pearl-diver talent,2Go deeper than most: 3rd-world's fear of imagery's power 2captureSouls :D.. #
- 02:55 devon-DSCF1485-bw-portrait by jarvic7 bit.ly/LUx9m (lazy image Rembrandt -- of my hand: ie the best portrait he will ever have :) #
- 03:23 I'm so open-minded :)Before hearing her music, I hated Courtney Love (white-trash Yoko) but her intensity won me over bit.ly/zdLdA ;) #
- 03:27 Beyond doubt: Nirvana has 1 good album, Perl Jam has 1 good album -- Hole/Courtney Love, imo: has 2 :D #
- 03:53 "Time flies when U'r falling down I spread my rot all over this town And every 1 of U looks the same And every 1 of U feels the same"-C.Love #
- 11:55 a dizzy degenerate like Andrew Sullivan is in no position 2Speak abt pro-life bit.ly/3sUyDQ (HIV+ yet placing ads 4 unprotected sex) #
- 15:15 is @umairh's fawningOver Apple asCorp example ofWhat can fix US economy, an example of his incompetence or ignorance bit.ly/tfctR ? #
- 15:20 Example of shallow analysis + good vs evil sermons delivered by @umairh (read his wall street fix article) then this bit.ly/1cYBX9 #
- 15:27 Vue 30yr record @umairh, Steve Jobs had EntirePCMarket - then lost 95% Put Pepsi ceo in charge then w/ ousted himself. Lucky more than wise #
- 15:30 How on earth @umairh can companies like #Apple who aggressively outsource everything other than marketing & design -- help US unemployment? #
- 15:40 #econ101 @umairh get clue on primary cause of Economic panic (warning req 10 min concentration) bit.ly/3TmVvN FannieMay != WallStr :) #
- 15:53 @livecut "now" may be over bit.ly/48SxZh 4 Apple/Jobs.+ '?'not "is Apple doing good" it's "is Apple Outsourcing a scalable solution? #
- 15:58 @livecut when @umair touts "thick-value/Awesomness" as "solution" ie Hot air jargon 4 "Better Product" No actionable info -- just judgmental #
- 16:04 .@livecut @umairh trivializes what's required & role luck plays in great fortunes. Awkwardly curve-fits facts to his hokey, Nth Step, model #
- 16:11 .@livecut aggressive apple outsourcing caused loss of intellectual property bit.ly/tfctR -- clones proliferate bit.ly/2ddoj7 #
- 16:20 Apple doesn't catch shit (like walmart would) for being an aggressive outsourcer, or enemy of open-source -- because of it's Hipster status #
- 16:23 I will agree with @umairh on one thing -- get off the irrational "I Hate Walmart" bandwagon ie Hipster Degenerates find success offensive :) #
- 16:42 Apparently @umairh doesn't understand Apple's outsourcing strategy & it's contribution to the "stagnation of America's industrial base." #
- 16:48 .@livecut manufacturing outsourcing strategy isn't scalable solution2 Jobless Recovery problem. iTune downloads can double w/o job creation. #
- 16:50 .@livecut mind u, I'm not against outsourcing or overly concerned w/ losing manufacturing jobs (~10% of Econ).@umairh argument inconsistent #
- 16:52 @livecut i like Apple products (but not iTunes) & welcome them into mix of US economy, but they are boutique niche -- not scalable solution #
- 17:00 Apple is transforming itself -- from a technology generator -- to what passes for technology -- in Italy :D A Mama's Boy Design Company :D #
- 17:02 RT livecut @harrylyme We agree @umairh is high in platitudes. :D #
- 18:56 I am one of the best 140char Writer/Poets out there -- No question about it :) It's amazing what I can slam into that narrow slit -oblong :D #
- 21:03 Gary Hamel's Management 2.0 bit.ly/UBqvJ (wadr: what a stupid article: Major religions span 1000's of years.Lack of inertia problem:) #
- 22:25 is this a pattern? for the second time now, in as many years,amazing email encounters began on ~Aug 10(first one a dud -- current 1 amazing) #
- 22:49 "Air-Head" now becomes pure Vacuum w/ hubris no Longer ashamed of Past, Shallow Semantics, flaunting Dearth of Originality as it's Zen :D #
- 23:21 @paulbeard it's the success through freakishly efficient systems - that hipster/slackers hate the most +visceral disdain 4SilentMajority :) #
- 23:38 @paulbeard if Snapper wants 2B Viking stove of lawn mowers so be it (walmart mower price range is from $80-$358 bit.ly/2C4yd5 Choice) #
- 23:42 @paulbeard is that a Zorki rangefinder? I have one on a shelf, just below my monitor -- another one up stairs :) Small world :) #
- 00:02 @paulbeard your avatar shows you with a Zorki -- why didn't U go with a Leica ? Like Snapper better quality -- and only 30X as Expensive ;D #
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
- 00:07 "There is no deadline. I want to see work as you think of it. Give me more ideas to reject. I can't do this work by myself." - Don Draper. #
- 01:00 i'm weeping over joe Lieberman's concern over higher taxes for insurance companies -- the Democrats need some balls -- unbelievable! #
- 01:06 Unions will oppose Baucus bill unless it's changed bit.ly/UTy1h #
- 01:09 I Love PAglia: Obama is approaching a turning point which will define his political future, if he has one. bit.ly/2ciXBD :\ #
- 01:47 Who's often feared,then hated,most? Those who Defy e asy classification & thereby Dance over the comforts of Others well rehearsed rebuttals #
- 01:48 Urizen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia bit.ly/TR9fp :) #
- 01:49 YouTube - Tubeway Army / Gary Numan - Are 'friends' electric? bit.ly/hJFu #
- 02:05 Our Great Western Methodology : Existentialism as a form of Myth, rendered, filtered, through Technology, owes much 2 Histrionic Visionaries #
- 02:13 Limits ofOur Reach (ie landing on Moon, 4 example) requires a Calculus of Error, "solved" by System Redundancy, w/Speeds Limited by Light's #
- 02:36 Our'Algorithms',howeverPoetic,howeverAngelic -once Rendered(once "Humanized")- RThen saddled w/the DeadHandFriction of Gravity's Momentum :( #
- 02:43 ...for it is a Vanity of our Selective-Ignorance vs a Guilt Denied: our pre-conceived "Best-of-Breed" filtering -- 2 Believe -- otherwise :) #
- 02:52 ie we often apply an Implied Cost Analysis 2OurLives - where Overarching-Truth is truncated into Our Decades Left nThereby Rationalized :) #
- 03:08 .WildCardInLife?: not the "Digital Rolodex" - which Dies well before your broadband lapses&DeadBody is Cold: it's BabiesWhoRemember"Mom":) #
- 1 1:58 #nfl #Bears former QB Kyle Orton enjoying 5-0 start w/ Denver #Broncos. Best of luck Kyle (except against chicago of course :) #
- 12:35 Those with motivational communications talent -- should consider sales (noble profession,"Nothing happens until someone sells something" :D) #
- 12:39 Real problem with philanthropy isn't lack of convoluted technologies for giving . Needs RObvious -- tough part: opening wallet :) #
- 12:43 if each gave traditional Tithe -there would be no need for most of overhead being devised by Social Capital Rhetorical Societies #SoCap09 :) #
- 12:50 #green #humanitarian funds have been around for decades -- with metrics : www.socialinvest.org/resources/mfpc/ nothing new #soCap09 #
- 12:58 Everything under shell called "Quality Time" -- is a compromise to the innocent, and a rational, a bulkhead against guilt 4 self-absorbed #
- 13:00 "Having your cake -- while eating it too" is the process through which the morbid "Spiritual" Vanities attempt to transform Sin in2 Virtue #
- 13:08 Mere fact of need4 mentoring,constant reassurance -- belies fact that, this "peace of mind" is an unstable callous over needs of others #
- 13:26 Abyss is a Sea of Unexplored Feelings that remains as thick ref lective Surface w/ Skin of Bubble no longer smooth but dissonant 2 Narcissus #
- 13:27 ...boom, boom, boom... ;) #
- 14:02 RT @Deepak_Chopra Reading Reinventing My Wallet,While Resurrecting Your Soul: Spinning Morbid Self-Absorption into Virtue, by @harrylyme :D #
- 20:48 Nearly crossed paths with Micky Rooney again today (in Palos West) -- the other time was a bit over a month ago in St Charles :) #
- 21:52 holy fuck! -- another Harrylyme ie MentorGuy :D success story:my photo apprentice will be teaching college level Digital Art class next term #
- 22:50 @skye820 go as Rasputin :) #
- 22:52 Mamma, mamma, mamma -- Zombie Movie!!! :D #
- 23:20 "Do you ever see a Lion limbers up before it takes down a Gazelle"? #
- 23:21 RULE 32: Enjoy the little things :) #
- 23:51 I always found Jane Lynch funny, and even a little bit hot :) #
- 23:53 @SharonHayes :( #
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
- 00:08 Example of the god's "Love of Irony": embodied as imperfect messenger -- against our highest Vanity of Attack/"Style" bit.ly/Thmh9 :D #
- 00:35 @salleegal sweet dreams my dear :) #
- 00:41 .@salleegal each ellipsis has many forgotten foci of concentration & human interests - Girl: it's really something marvelous in metaphor ;) #
- 01:20 Apple's Hammer Impression of Perception: Art, As always - Yin's Nurtured Iron of Yang Logic: against this TippingPoint of Digital Self-Aware #
- 01:26 ...and in the DarkAges (post-60ies) when the classical archives were essentially lost. Node/iRobot? (when u~7:) Numan bit.ly/hJFu :) #
- 01:34 Once an Artist Creates their work -- (s)he may be entitled to it's residuals and commissions -- but no longer owns it's interpretations :D #
- 01:36 Once an Artist Creates their work -- (s)he may be entitled to it's residuals and commissions -- but no longer owns it's permutations :D #
- 01:38 Once an Artist "Births" their Creation -- (s)he may be entitled to it's residuals and commissions -- but no longer owns it's permutations :D #
- 01:48 Once an Artist "Gives Births to Creation" -- (S)he may be entitled to it's "Roman Law" residuals - but never more controls it's Evolution :D #
- 01:57 looking into the documentary interpretations (everything, resolved humanly,is interpretation ;) of Frederick Wiseman bit.ly/2fq0aK :D #
- 02:00 Once an Artist "GivesBirths 2 Creation" - (S)he may be entitled to it's "Roman Law" residuals - but never more controls it's permutations :D #
- 02:01 good night :) #
- 02:10 the gods bestow great legs2yin 4aReason - 2 Maketh humble the "Lone Wolf" Artist -- As He Teases theEdge: to brown his nose! nBring2Fold :D #
- 02:12 OK 4real this time -- good night :D #
- 10:54 A beautiful day in Chicago :) #
- 10:59 One thing I share with the mayor of Chicago (and all his siblings) -- we were all born at Mercy Hospital (Chicago's 1st hospital :)... #
- 11:01 ...except that Mayor Daley and I were born to different mothers (mine much better looking :) and at different times :) #
- 12:48 #food sauteed (olive oil, butter, garlic) tilapia fillets over a bed of "Chinese broccoli" -- great stuff :) #
- 13:04 .@TerraBurger Sounds Good -- only problem: wrong town -- I'm in chicago :( #
- 16:31 .@jfnoubel at only $800 the www.strida.com bike looks like a good transportation solution for a small planet -- with a BIG wallet ;D #
- 21:14 You give ignorant people money and sometimes it redoubles their faith in their ignorance :) #
- 21:31 I voted for Elea Carey @ProjectGreen09 projectgreensearch.com/?p=972 #projectgreensearch :) #
- 21:39 @FemaleProdigy WOW! :) #
- 21:42 I voted for Corey Colwell-Lipson @ProjectGreen09 projectgreensearch.com/?p=975 #projectgreensearch :) #
- 22:11 @FemaleProdigy that's a good song from a good album :) #
- 23:57 "America is wherever we look, wherever we're going to be" #
Monday, October 12, 2009
- 11:07 @David_N_Wilson about? :) #
- 11:31 Intelligence Imagines It Can Ape Talent -- Networks Suffer From Same Illusion :D #
- 11:38 @FemaleProdigy pay 4 porn? Why buy cow -- when the milk's free? :D #
- 11:59 @mollyzenobia who isn't reflecting? Twitter is like dancing in front of your bathroom mirror :D #
- 12:11 @V_Saldivar focus on your next move -- if you want to get (transfer) there :) Work your plan on a spreadsheet :) #
- 12:49 @V_Saldivar aim for a target bit.ly/51dLm plot where u are on this path. #
- 12:55 @shannatrenholm -- what was the last big change you made? (hair styles don't count :) #
- 13:13 Ego implications of identifying w/ "Universe" rather obvious - Vanity of Perception, Delusions of Grandeur, Self-Absorption: "I am a god" ;) #
- 13:23 real men don't "social network" -- as an end in itself (to merely socialize) :) #
- 14:26 @cdixon Interesting article www.cdixon.org/?p=1391 (thx @Inke 4 RT on it -- your instincts distinguish you from collective rabble ;D) #
- 19:57 @Inke ;) #
- 22:12 #econ101 "If you look at the wall, you'll hit the wall" bit.ly/Y4RYP :) #
- 22:52 like the ever changing tie&Lapel size, or fonts on old movie titles, a secular soul continuously refractors into the latest spiritual style #
- 23:18 #econ101 Capitalism -- Americana-Heroic: @umairh 's Edge Economy -- but w/ Gonads&Ovaries (Virginal Risk Undiluted) bit.ly/4mqvZ6 :D #
- 23:25 @chinaski twitter.com/HarryLyme/status/4827247428 ;) #
- 23:33 say & @chinaski & @Inke & @nurturegirl & @femaleprodigy & @KevinDsi & @WindDoctor & @Chrissarella bit.ly/8mOFk 2EachYourOwnOpinion :D #
- 23:40 Tom Waits reads Charles Bukowski bit.ly/F3eHt :) #
- 23:44 ...thinking of you @FemaleProdigy - Bono recites Bukowski bit.ly/43left ;) #
- 23:53 "..You will be alone with the gods, and the nights will flame with fire. You will ride life straight to perfect laughter..." :) #
Sunday, October 11, 2009
- 00:03 I really need to get a Canon 7D -- despite the financial sacrifice :\ #
- 01:54 #names4photos devon-DSCF1521-cum-into-the-woman-whos-eyes-your-child-will-love.JPG :) #
- 02:34 There is no better 'Orgasm' -- In Predicate vs Passion (w/ Legs Akimbo :) -- this Dialectic Risk: ("Our Cycle") - Resolved as Child :D #
- 02:39 ..and often foreign -- is my language --2 myself bit.ly/78rRV :( #
- 03:22 :\ #
- 03:25 ...hmmm? still might have a few interesting 'eggs' left ;P .. but time ticks them down :( #
- 03:28 @KevinDSi -- say Dude: get that tooth fixed somehow :\ #
- 03:28 good night :) #
- 10:22 @FemaleProdigy oh ok now it makes sense :) #
- 11:25 What happened to global warming? World News bit.ly/sQc9F -- i thought someone was screaming that we'd be dead in 5 yrs! :D #
- 11:26 @shannatrenholm that's GREAT! :D --- (you're officially what? :\ ) #
- 1 1:35 ""quantum of pleasure being equal, pushpin is as good as poetry" -- all else a presumption? Perhaps :) #
- 11:41 "man delights not me" :\ #
- 12:15 I've switched over to the hooded sweatshirt -- as official, default, garb :\ #
- 14:13 back from gym, quick lunch (finish off home made soup over a tamale -- then off to change my sister's oil :) #
- 15:41 @Philanthropic 100% is a very respectable figure :\ #
- 15:44 @CharityGiftCard well so long as you are laughi ng WITH me (&my avatar) -- and not AT me -- I guess :D #
- 17:48 did oil change for sister -- hadn't done that (w/own hands) -- in a long time #
Saturday, October 10, 2009
- 12:32 Woke today with exceptional mental clarity on a technical problem -- the mind does some interesting internal alignments when we sleep :) #
- 12:36 Even when pulling "all nighters" in college(learning semester in 24hrs :D always instinctively knew to sleep at least 1 hr 2 InternalizeInfo #
- 12:51 @Philanthropic .. is this the org that charges non-refundable $350 for just the initial consultation -- just to get vacation price? #
- 13:02 .@Philanthropic what % of travel agencie's revenues go 2 philanthropic causes? (Target Inc gives 5%, doesn't call customers philanthropists) #
- 13:09 .@Philanthropic if these 3rd world "self-discovery" vacations trulyR equivalent2 philanthropic gift - then it should be tax deductible? No? #
- 13:28 @Philanthropic HaveNo problem w/ Exquisite Safaris 4 wealthy secular white middle class "Traveling Into Consciousness" bit.ly/QjVzG #
- 13:31 @Philanthropic But unless most of the vacation cost actually goes to a philanthropic cause -- call it a self-odyssey - not philanthropy. No? #
- 14:03 @philos opher20 yes @kjer is beautiful & cinematic production values too! Perhaps we are seeing the dawn of "Philanthro-Wood" #SoCap09 :D #
- 14:07 "Big pay and little responsibility are circumstances seldom found together." #
- 15:15 @FemaleProdigy that HOT-Chocolate Girl : She's SO WEIRD -- BUT I LOVE HER TOO! :D #
- 15:41 #lastpunchline Are you sure it's Raccoons? Are you absolutely sure Ricky didn't knocked-up a Squirrel? :\ #
- 15:46 @FemaleProdigy that video you uploaded -- (why-comeU uploading videos that don't have you in them? :( #
- 16:04 #Herzog #HardTimes www.roguefilmschool.com/about.asp #CashingIn #
- 16:16 Feminist got it wrong -- Woman's Real Power woven into Instincts img135.imageshack.us/img135/8108/n6807902571456235358iu0.jpg Duh! :D #
- 16:23 #day2 come on gang -- let's get @ReidAlbecker past 70 followers! :D #
- 16:28 Explained!: Lowly females pick mediocre mates (despite long legs, cowering spirit == dull downward spiral bit.ly/3A0xhd :D #
- 18:52 @MissShuganah congratulations -- and have a nice time :) #
- 22:37 What happened to global warming? news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/8299079.stm :) #
- 23:29 @distributortalk problems with removing background on gimp -- on a newer vista pc (works on a slightly older vista pc) #
- 23:36 @FemaleProdigy oh so they upload to youtube & it posts on your twitter account? #
Friday, October 9, 2009
- 00:09 Kevin -- example of conference fair pricing: "INNOVATE09 the Intersection of Ideas and Money" $149 (not nearly 10x for #SoCap09 #
- 00:11 Kevin -- ex of conference fair pricing: "INNOVATE09 the Intersection of Ideas and Money" $149 (not~10x for #SoCap09 ) bit.ly/SCTeY :) #
- 00:45 Kiva is on the verge of surpassing the $100M mark in terms of total loans sent to entrepreneurs through their website bit.ly/34V89j #
- 09:50 let's help @ReidAlbecker get past 70 followers! :D #
- 10:12 poor @umairh (ie of ""Obama FAIL" & &q uot;America..1st failed state" fame) -- must be depressed about Obama's Nobel Peace Prize (congrats prez :D #
- 10:18 Great move by Nobel Org to give #Obama it's #Peace Prize -- well deserved shot in the arm, hopefully increase his political capital 4Action #
- 11:34 Rights activists see double standard in Twitter arrest : bit.ly/ki0QI :) #
- 11:54 @cognoscento yes, of course :) usually one party is in an emotionally weaker position -- so they keep quiet about it :) #
- 11:57 @cognoscento women usually discover this after child bearing ag e passes -- same ideas now less profound (2men) -- even jokes less funny :Du! #
- 12:05 @cognoscento weak men pretend friendship believing proximity will lead to passion. Weak women like weak-men : no real intimacy, no EmoRisk #
- 14:08 (histrionics nurture sympathizers, turn people against others who had no bad dealings with or even know...simply..as filter on reality) #
- 14:13 @FemaleProdigy why did u drop out? :\ #
- 19:56 @FemaleProdigy you big show-boat :D #
Thursday, October 8, 2009
- 21:12 @Kjer congrats on making the list, helping 70k ppl in Africa is a SOLID Metric -- good luck with that :) #socap09 #socent #
- 21:18 Hulu: News Corp's YouTube Rival Gets a Name bit.ly/26B30v#mb #
- 22:25 Global Muslim population hits 1.57 billion tinyurl.com/yazbdcf #
- 22:34 @WindDoctor it was VERY windy the other day :\ #
- 22:39 "I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. " - Michael Jordan #
- 23:24 David Lynch on iPhone (film on phone) www.youtube.com/watch? :D #
- 23:27 David Lynch on iPhone (film on phone..."it's such a sadness" :) bit.ly/awgNf :D #
- 23:43 @WindDoctor :D #
- 23:48 #film Eraserhead (1977) trailer: bit.ly/o95iJ #
- 23:54 @FemaleProdigy see ya in the morning :) #
- 23:58 @Michelle_Moore "... I'm not mean, you're just a sissy." :D #
- 00:02 RT @LCROSS_NASA Where am I now? Travelin' 1.24km/s(2763mph). 31,259km from the Moon. T-7hr #
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
- 01:21 #gratitude G-d: 2 not only Grace -- ieForgive -- Prodigal Son (with Father), but also Prodigal Father (with Daughter :) bit.ly/zbXTf #
- 01:29 "And if so be that he find it, verily I say unto you, he rejoiceth more of that sheep, than of the ninety and nine which went not astray" :) #
- 01:45 2/2: For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost. #
- 01:46 1/2: Take heed that ye despise not 1 of these little 1s; for I say unto U,That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father #
- 01:49 0/2: "except ye become as little children...humility and forgivene ss parables" :) ... #
- 11:53 the network model is based on commodity components. Together they form an abstract circuit - there are no unique Individuals in the Whole :) #
- 12:11 Did Glenn Beck rape and murder a girl in 1990? bit.ly/13VvFG :D #
- 12:12 Did Glenn Beck rape and murder a girl in 1990? bit.ly/13VvFG #metacurrency :D #
- 12:50 @chinaski hey! there you are! :D #
- 13:12 RT~ @Depak_Chopra @umairh "non-threatening" is Risk wirhout Testes :D #
- 13:34 feeling a bit under the weather -- symptoms more allergy like than flu :\ #
- 16:36 #socap09 Bloggers Will Have To Disclose Freebies bit.ly/40AXxU this might change the Social Networking mutual-ass-kissing-cliques :D #
- 18:15 @ShamAnArtist you seem to be fixated on your mortality, with a pinch of Eastern denial :\ #
- 18:34 @ShamAnArtist ;) #
- 18:38 luv these cowering folk - who, none the less, write so forcefully abt conquest of Fear :D People tend to obsess on those things they lack :) #
- 20:22 @livecut lots of writing abt need for risk-taking & embracing "disruptive-technologies" -- but all just rhetoric -- actions anything but. :) #
- 20:38 @jenciTN wow i was just listening to him the other day (Still Alive? :D #
- 23:09 early 2 bed --early to rise :) #
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
- 00:26 I simply can't run a bath & leave the room -- too potentially dangerous :( #
- 00:29 @MissShuganah no, do you? #
- 10:44 @MissShuganah thx, will follow 2 :) #
- 12:07 say @FemaleProdigy seen marine vid, good stuff -- if you're not getting paid for #LEVEL26 marketing -- you should be ! :)) #
- 12:14 @FemaleProdigy well let me know if you need a vote or anything :) #
- 12:21 @V_Saldivar sounds like time to join a frat or better yet -- a secret society bit.ly/M1UgN :) Expand beyond neighborhood roots :\ #
- 12:26 @Chrissarella yes RT @femaleprodigy ignore him and maybe he will go away! #
- 13:22 .@cpruette you let @umairh off easy with his shallow, rich vs poor sermon on biometric identification at airports bit.ly/QCInb :D #
- 15:28 @cpruette most of @umairh's sermons R about as 'sharp' & I don't feel bad point that out, b/c he is very judgmental 2 groups in abstract #
- 15:32 @cpruette nothing personal w/ @umairh. I just think that his Edge Semantics -- is poor advice ~"we need purpose not ceos" is empty jingoism #
- 15:41 further @cpruette, @umairh as a pseudo-intellectual "Derivative" - his ideas are not unlike the hot-air Valuations, marketed on Wall St :) #
- 15:44 .@cpruette as u noted "thought him sharper than level playing field BS", @umairh sermons plays to the moral vanities of the unsuccessful .. #
- 15:52 .@cpruette in @umairh storybook world, Economic cycles would be avoided if only the world were as wise & moral as he (&by impl followers :) #
- 16:09 .@umairh, in a nutshell: don't reflect on risk -- the rich, ignorant, shortsighted, businessman is the root of all Evil & unfair advantage. #
- 16:12 .@umairh, in a nutshell: businesses never fail due2 uncertainty - because the future is obvious - failure a function of ignorance/Immorality #
- 16:18 .@umairh, in a nutshell: if business simply Chose 2 made products w/ "Awesomeness" and "Thick-Value" (like Apple) failure easily avoided.... #
- 19:30 #metacurrency predicting passive/aggressive hissy-fit over who 1stCoined(owns) fuzz-factor terms like "digital knowledge currency", etc :D #
- 19:59 Annals in Morbid Self-Absorption bit.ly/QjVzG I'm OK with the Secular-Soul Tail-Chasing Odyssey - but why pretend it's Philanthropy? #
- 20:51 mellowed out from intense ("pushing") workout chest/shoulders/triceps -- may watch The Wire S03E01 -- if i recall: yr 3 was good vintage :) #
- 23:09 'if you don't look at what you did before -- you'll do the same shit all over" #
- 23:36 Jimmy McNulty bit.ly/EiP6n (character loosely based on harryl yme :D #
Monday, October 5, 2009
- 00:39 @Philanthropic wow! thx 4 breaking out of the social networking 'politeness cage' 4 the sake of the greater cause #socap09 :) #
- 00:41 "Follow your customers.. direction -- put Ego aside & use your talents, in the service of their wants -- and you will be rewarded... :) " #
- 00:51 Enlightened Leadership: a transparent partnership, where the Collective Desires of your "Followers" forms next Dialectic "Start" #socap09 :D #
- 01:06 #socap09 #harrylyme term definition "Dialectic" 4 socialcapital(ie Tesla-flamboyant-"spark"/voltage/potential-energy) bit.ly/oAoDy :D #
- 01:10 "The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane." #
- 01:21 ...and who's "Edge" Qualities --as Artist/Creator - would he empathize with More? @nurturegirl @joguldi @amoration bit.ly/4qJ1U :D #
- 01:47 good night ;) #
- 02:49 #FB "Fuck 'Empire' missile defense wet-dreams Jim:Let's try 2 build a fucking US tv set or car or camera - that other countries want to buy" #
- 02:51 #FB ..."else your kids will be washing the dishes of the emerging elites of the Indian/China empire :D" #
- 12:31 yes @KeithBurtis but judging from the recent growth in my Real Estate Agent, refrigerator magnet collection, don't they have enough friends? #
- 12:32 @Philanthropic "tyranny with a happy face" -- I like that :) #socap09 #
- 12:44 wow this could impact the mutual ass kissing contest ("reputation #currency") among social media cliques bit.ly/dHMHX :D #
- 13:18 Will try to take unfair advantage of this beautiful day in Chicago #
- 13:20 How To Make A Burning Laser Flashlight bit.ly/XX5JE :) #
- 13:39 Problem with calling conversations "Problems" -- is that it simply 'poisons the well' 4 thoughts disruptive 2 our preconceived notions :D #
- 13:44 I aim my canons - not at rhet orical facades but at the argument's very foundation - their bullet points just bounce off of my improvisation #
- 13:57 I love my Joe Boxer, Leopard skin pajama bottoms - with the elastic ankle bands - they make me feel more Virile & therefore write better! :D #
- 14:03 how many ways can a good writer disguise her fear & loathing of truly original (and therefore disruptive) thought! bit.ly/6GkrO :D #
- 14:08 "A powerful cause of dissonance is an idea (ie HarryLyme tweet :D) in conflict with a fundamental element of the self-concept," YesExactly! #
- 14:13 @FemaleProdigy< /a> hey! :D #
- 14:23 Like AlexandersEnnui after finding there was no more World2Conquer: Poor AmazonGirl with her bag of Nuts, and her herd of Eunuch&Cuckolds :( #
- 14:38 @FemaleProdigy I had a trying 2 week (illness in family), but things are much better now :) glad to see you're keeping busy with Videos :D #
- 16:14 .@cpruette @Umairh is a self-righteous passive/aggressive blowhard, with a very shallow insight -- he's trying to build a brand that's all #
- 16:28 hokey jingoism aside, the problem @umairh is having: after Years of Pontification -- no accurate predictions or business accomplishments :( #
- 16:31 .@umairh with all your self-righteous finger-point at greed of others -- can you tell us what you gave last year 2LessFortunate -- anything? #
- 16:32 .@cpruette @Umairh is a self-righteous passive/aggressive blowhard, with very shallow insights -- he's trying to build his brand that's all #
- 16:35 just look at @Umairh 's dismal following/followers ratio - no need to listen,only sycophants welcome - he's got all the answers he needs! :D #
- 16:39 forget used product interest purchase pretense -- desperation's opening move is usually a blowjob :D #
- 16:42 @livecut that's true enough -- I worry about that, I live in a corner house, plenty of opportunity for hackers who park along side :\ #
- 16:51 my neighbors must think I'm a communist (like my maternal grandfather was) -- by the way I violate American lawn maintenance protocol :D #
- 16:53 ... don't people realize that -- the more u water your grass -- the more it grows!? :D #
- 17:08 k-man, now time for a block of news :) #
- 20:12 @MissShuganah :D #
- 20:52 @jenciTN what are you on tonight Jenci? :) #
- 20:59 @FemaleProdigy breast feeding at 8! wow :) #
- 21:12 @jenciTN ok how? #
- 21:41 pls say prayer for a little boy with a fever :\ #
- 22:13 When I love Penn & Teller -- I really do! (not everything, didn't like Vatican episode :( Going to watch an episode on organic farming :) #
- 22:16 once I was accused of writing "Wealth Bondage" -- now someone is saying I wrote a poem abt universe (actually not a bad spontaneous, poem) #
- 22:16 @KevinDSi thx :) #
- 22:19 @jenciTN pls send link if you can :) & with such a beautiful face -- why only show eye? :) #
Sunday, October 4, 2009
- 01:07 @miketreder MLK/civil right's movement, Liberating Eastern Block Nations. Humans imperfect. Therefore human orgs are too -- Duh! :) #
- 01:15 @neddotcom Basaed on your RT, I must have been @pierre's greatest motivator :D #
- 01:27 @FemaleProdigy seen it & commented :D #
- 01:38 darwinism best antidote to #prochoice #feminist gender-self-absorption -- just check the fertility rates of proponents :D Nature Spoken :D #
- 10:55 #madmen great fiction on early 60ies -- ref 2 Conrad Hilton's bo ok in S03. Now I have the title from well done reading bit.ly/TqLpk #
- 11:39 strange dreams disrupted my sleep last night. All kinds of stuff from recent to past, one involved flirtation w/ mom of high-school friend #
- 12:29 "What a colossal waste of money it is for social scientists to prove the obvious," :D #
- 12:32 @DanielleMORRILL that's easy: Code Camp :) #
- 12:34 #SoCap09 You'll get Troll-slapped(labeled) -- if you poke vigorously at others "preconceived-notions" #emperorsNewCloths ;) #
- < em>12:36 RT purplehayz Why stylesheet abstraction matters is.gd/3WsOs :) #
- 12:41 looks like some great web-dev tutorials -- net.tutsplus.com/ Enjoy :) #
- 12:55 #nfl #Bears intercept Detroit pass -- inside the 10 yrd line!!! :D #
- 12:59 #nfl #bears vs detroit "Little Tommy Harris Never went to Paris" :) TOUCHDOWN! :D Theses are the plays/risks that Cutler allows us to make. #
- 13:06 @officespacejk :D was returning lawnmower i borrowed last week -- she looked better than I remembered -- she was conducting seminar in alley #
- 13:10 @officespacejk yes & out of respect for Detroit, I'll tone down my #bears rhetoric :) #
- 13:26 @CDEgger GG is @ddenizen on twitter :) #
- 13:34 #nfl #bears detroit looking respectable -- what a year for rookie quarterback :\ #
- 13:51 #nfl #bears Johnny knox just ran back a punt -- for 102yrd! & TD -- he's having a great year :) #
- 14:44 #nfl #bears wow lots of points on the board. Think Detroit has a great investment in it's quarterback :) #
- 15:10 @shannatrenholm "yoga me" Hmmmmm? :) #
- 17:53 experimental recipe: hot tamale mashed potatoes w/ mushroom gravy -- trying that today :D #
- 18:28 @Philanthropic Thx4RT :D #
- 22:27 #film watching Anatomy of a Murder bit.ly/YNwu4 w/ jimmy Stewart & George C Scott bit.ly/6lfaf #
Saturday, October 3, 2009
- 21:01 @shannatrenholm "retire your underwear" sounds like a potential ground-floor, dot.com opportunity :) #
- 23:48 #film watching Surrogates. predictable at times (what isn't ? :) but interesting -- often good fiction gives us a preview of things to come #
Friday, October 2, 2009
- 00:25 ...so what? I kiss some ass a little bit - take a risk - retreat with circumstantial desires (right-wish-dry-hole :) - new day tomorrow! :D #
- 00:26 turning in: good night :) #
- 08:41 Fall has taken over. #
- 09:06 Actor John Lithgow lived in the same Harvard dorm as Al Gore and actor Tommy Lee Jones :) #
- 09:32 looking at dotProject.net -- nothing fancy, but free & sufficiently functional :) #
- 12:30 .@peculiarnight -- EXCITED to hear about your latest sculpture commission !!! :D #
- 12:34 Daley's efforts fail to secure 2016 Olympics for Chicago -- GREAT NEWS for Chicago tax payers -- Congratulations Rio :D #
- 12:37 @Dori_S1_Bags I agree about John Lithgow on Dexter -- extremely versatile artist/actor :) #
- 12:40 @Chrissarella @FemaleProdigy it's tough transitioning out of wearing shorts every day :( #
- 12:44 Chicago dodged a financial disaster in the form of Mayor Daley's 2016 Olympic Ego trip...Daley is not good for Chicago, especially Now :\ #
- 12:50 US relinquishes contro l of the internet: bit.ly/4BRPs9 #
- 12:59 RT @Deepak_Chopra when you dream of utopia, you flatter yourself as being more Christ-like than human. It's a spiritual form of chauvinism. #
- 13:15 @Chrissarella yea -- socks&sandles as transitional footwear :( #
- 13:17 too bad Obama wasted his time on Chicago's Olympic bid :( Opponents will spin it as another example of his waning political capital :\ #
- 14:18 #socap09 @mattbish : Economy Failing? Start a Business tinyurl.com/ycmnp3a :) #
- 14:21 @peculiarnight is that you too? I knew that was a strange one :) was tempted to follow, but then thought I should wait :) #
- 14:38 #jellyfish are mans' best friend -- next to dogs :D #
- 14:39 wow -- clean-up my old mail drawer: took hours :\ #
- 14:44 @livecut I wasn't planning on it, but was forced into finding something I needed by 6:30pm tonight -- it worked out+feel better organized :) #
- 14:46 CBS worker arrested in Letterman blackmail plot: apnews.myway.com/article/20091002/ D9B2STCO2.html :\ #
- 15:38 Gore Vidal: 'We'll have a dictatorship soon in the US' bit.ly/2ZcOn3 #
- 15:45 #iran #war The killers of 9-11 were over here because we were over there. How has being over there benefited us ...? bit.ly/rlPdz #
- 21:47 Jean-François Noubel : noubel.com/vow/ Horatio Alger meets Jesus Christ :D #
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